Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


This Is It Too

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

August 2, 2023

"This is it. There are no hidden meanings. All that mystical stuff is just what's so. A master is someone who found out." ... 
"This is it and I am it and you are it and so is that and he is it and she is it and it is it and that is that." ... Alan W ("Wilson") Watts

"Your past can ruin your future, if you allow it." ... Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order
This essay, This Is It Too, is the companion piece to It was written at the same time as Deal With "Your Body" Not "Health Issues".

I am indebted to Larry Pearson who inspired this conversation.

What are some examples of "This is it!"? - you know, some examples of the way it's s'posed  to be. Here are some of them:

There's enough food to go 'round (there always was, except now we know it). Crime down (or non-existent). Education available for all. Financial equity and balance restored. Integrity exercised as essential not as optional. Disease as unerringly targeted as a landing spot on the surface of the moon. A magnificent sunset. The perfect wave. A nice pinot noir  by a log fire with old friends. The birth of a child (the birth of anything, actually). The obvious possibility of it all working with no-one and nothing left out. Tchaikovsky's Symphony #6 in B-minor. The Beatles Abbey Road. The perfect, messy hamburger. Starry nights.

OK, and what are some examples of "This isn't  it!"? - you know, some examples of the way it's not  s'posed to be. Here are some of those:

Obvious ones: climate change, global warming, the political landscape. Unrequited love. From Werner: a thwarted intention, an unfulfilled expectation, an undelivered communication. Segregation. Wildfires. Mass shootings. Rising sea levels. Fentanyl. Being made wrong. Making  wrong. All those species on the endangered list. All the people in homeless shelters. Painful divorce. Lying. Being lied to. Narcissistic megalomaniacs with enough power to impact the world. Men and women of good will everywhere with not enough power to impact the world. Arbitrarily drawn lines between "us" and "them". Drought. Pollution.

There you have it, some examples of "This is it!" and of "This isn't it", some examples of the way it's s'posed to be and of the way it's not s'posed to be.

Now the thing about filtering what "This is it!" evokes for us, is as long as we hold it as what we prefer, what's good, what's right  etc, it obfuscates the greater connotation of "This is it!" entirely. And the thing about filtering what "This isn't it" evokes for us, is as long as we hold it as what we don't want, what's bad, what's wrong  etc, it also obfuscates the greater connotation of "This is it!" entirely. To get its greater connotation is to get something profound that's almost always ignored about life. Look: it's causing us big trouble to hold them both the way we do, yet with only a cursory look at how we hold them.

Here's the big trouble caused by those collections of the "This is it!" and "This isn't it" examples, and with the "This isn't it" examples in particular: it's all  "This is it!". There's no "This isn't it.". Real life isn't limited by what we arbitrarily determine to be good and right, and nor does it exclude what we arbitrarily determine to be bad and wrong. And as for "the way it's s'posed to be" and "the way it's not s'posed to be", both are irrelevant. It's always and only "the way it is" and it's always never "the way it isn't" (how can the light be off when it's on?). "S'posed to be" and "not s'posed to be"'s got nothing to do with it.

Wake up! It's all "This is it!". And each of those "This isn't it" examples in the collection? This is it too. Each of them. They're all "This is it!". There's no "This isn't it.". Transformation calls to us to live as if "This is it!". Because this is  it. All of it. "This is it!". Whatever isn't it, whether we want it or not, this is it too.

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