Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


Their End Of The Canoe

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

August 3, 2023

"If their  end of the canoe tips over, we all  end up in the water." ... anonymous

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts." ... Aristotle

"The tree leaves, the ocean waves, the universe peoples." ... Alan W ("Wilson") Watts, deploying plural nouns "leaves", "waves", and "peoples" as third-person verbs

"There is only one!" ... The Highlander
This essay, Their End Of The Canoe, is the companion piece to Beingsphere.

It is also the sequel to Thank You For Voting.

It is also the prequel to My Position Is You Have A Position.

I am indebted to Sanford "Sandy" Robbins who contributed material for this conversation.

The whole is more than the sum of its parts. If you don't realize what a tree really is, it could appear as myriads upon myriads of separate leaves, but in actuality a tree is one whole comprising many separate leaves, and a tree as one whole is more than the sum of its leaves. If you don't realize what an ocean really is, it could appear as myriads upon myriads of separate waves, but in actuality an ocean is one whole comprising many separate waves, and an ocean as one whole is more than the sum of its waves. If you don't realize what the universe really is, it could appear as myriads upon myriads of separate people, but in actuality the universe is one whole comprising many separate people, and the universe as one whole is more than the sum of its people.

That's my personal recreation of Alan Watts distinguishing a tree, an ocean, and the universe (see his quote above). In addition, I'd like to try on making a salient change to what Alan distinguishes as the universe: I'd like to substitute the phrase "the beingsphere", a phrase Werner deploys with great import, for Alan's original "the universe". Try this on: "If you don't realize what the beingsphere really is, it could appear as myriads upon myriads of separate beings, but in actuality the beingsphere is one whole comprising many separate beings, and the beingsphere as one whole is more than the sum of its beings.".

Here's the thing: if you don't realize who you really are, you'll never know the beingsphere as one whole comprising many separate beings. It's secondarily relevant that we're all human beingS - plural. Primarily, we're all human Being - singular (yes, singular). The beingsphere is one whole comprising many separate beings. "There is only one!" bellows the Highlander ("and it lives in 'a you and  me' world" says I, extending his quote by deploying poetic license).

Now observably (I'm tempted to say "Now tragically ..." but to keep it straight, without all the histrionics, I'll say "Now observably ...") we don't live in the world that way and we don't run the world that way. We live in the world and we run the world as an adversarial "you or  me" world ie as an "us vs  them" world which in actuality it isn't. We're blind to the possibility of living in the world and running it as an inclusive "you and  me" world, which in actuality it is. We're stuck in an "us vs them" paradigm. For the world to work for everyone, the beingsphere calls for an "us and  them" paradigm ie for a transformation.

Try this analogy on for size: "If their  end of the canoe tips over, we all  end up in the water.". Planet Earth as a canoe?  Yes, tiny and fragile in the overall rapids of things. Washington DC, United Nations, all regional and national and international government entities everywhere: are you listening? If they  (ie the ubiquitous "they") are at war, all of us aren't at peace; if they have hunger, all of us don't have enough to eat; if they pollute, all of us are poisoned. The consequences, effects, and ramifications of what happens at their  end of the canoe, affect everyone  everywhere at our end too. All our worldly problems of war, hunger, pollution etc are the results of living in "a you or me world". And I assert all their solutions are discovered to be living in "a you and me" world.

Last word: Keith Richards dreamed "Satisfaction". Paul McCartney dreamed "Yesterday". I don't know who sourced "If their end of the canoe tips over, we all end up in the water.". I've googled it, and I can't locate its source anywhere. I may have dreamed it. I may have written it. Either way, it's a great analogy.

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