Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


Don't Fight The Universe

Napa Valley, California, USA

August 7, 2023

Early on: "What you resist persists."
Later on: "Mastery is not about being in an aesthetic place of love and kindness. That's just the beginning of mastery. Mastery is about having the world showing up as it is. And 'I' is just another piece in the world."
This essay, Don't Fight The Universe, is the companion piece to On Being Out Of Control: Be It, Create It, Or Re-Create It.

It is also the sequel to Resistance.

Most of us already agree, without too much pre-consideration, that it's futile to fight the universe. The universe does what it does whenever it does, no matter what  it does, and it's too big and too powerful to fight it. Most of us already agree, without too much pre-consideration, that it's futile to resist the universe (subtext: tsunamis, volcanoes, meteor strikes, hurricanes, earthquakes, black holes, even seasons  et al). It's too big and too powerful to resist it.

Our relationship with the universe is a tenuous one. For our lives to work ie for our lives to be going what we call "well", the universe has to be hospitable and kind to us. And yet  ... there is neither a guarantee nor a promise it will ever be like that. Yes, we hope  and pray  it'll be that way, but ... you never know. Ask the dinosaurs about their extinction event: one minute there they were, innocently enjoying life, frolicking care-free on beautiful, bountiful green Planet Earth, and then ... WHAM!  ... the next minute, gone forever!  Be clear: frankly, the universe doesn't give a damn!  It just doesn't care. You don't like that? Too bad!  The universe may  be hospitable and kind to us, and yet there's no guarantee or promise it will be. By and large, most of us already get that - even though we may not like it. For the most part, we already know not to mess with the universe. We already know it's futile to fight or to resist it.

Also for the most part, we relate to the universe like it's what's out there. In the world of transformation, the designation "out there" isn't useful (try on the designation "out-here"  instead). But for now, the designation "out there" is good enough for jazz. And we have it that whatever goes on inexorably in the universe out there is somehow qualitatively different than what goes on with us internally  ie "in here" (says I, pointing at my forehead) if you will. We have it that whatever goes on in the universe out there, is beyond our control, and yet whatever goes on with us in here internally, is somehow controlled by us.

Oh, how quaint! How likeably and loveably naïve! My thesis, and possibly the thesis of the world of transformation in its entirety, is that whatever goes on in here with us internally, is just as beyond our control as the universe out there is. This says that whatever's going on with us in here internally, requires us to relate to it in a way that's not much different than the way we relate to what's going on with the unmessable with, unfightable with universe out there.

We are  that we have little or no control over what happens out there. We are  that we have a lot of or total control over what happens in here. The truth is probably closer to we have no  control over what happens out there or  what happens in here. We're smart enough to know fighting the universe out there is futile. Consider it's just as futile to fight what goes on in here. Don't believe it just because I said so. Take it out on the track. Test-drive it for yourself. A possibility of being in control when both life out there as well as in here is beyond our control, is the subject for another conversation on another occasion.

All the preceding leads to this: there are no walls between what goes on out there and what goes on in here (such walls are veils of illusion). What goes on in here is also just the universe. And most of us already agree, without too much pre-consideration, that it's futile to fight the universe. So now we all know (having scrutinized it / examined it / discovered it for ourselves) it's all  out-here, including that which is colloquially designated to be in here. Don't fight it.

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