Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

If I'm Perfect Just The Way I Am Then Why Don't I Feel Great?

Napa Valley, California, USA

March 4, 2003

This essay, If I'm Perfect Just The Way I Am Then Why Don't I Feel Great?, is the companion piece to Getting Better.

You're perfect - just the way you are, and just the way you aren't.

Yet the conversation you are for yourself is you're not  perfect, and you should have more  and you should be better  and you should be different, and something's wrong ...

It's just a conversation! You can't shift being not perfect because you ARE perfect - just the way you are, just the way you aren't. What you shift is the conversation you are for yourself.

And the way you shift the conversation you are for yourself is you don't!

It's a paradox.

You get who you are is who you are - just the way you are, just the way you aren't.

Implicit in the conversation you are for yourself is you should have more and you should be better and you should be different than the way you are now.

That's the trap right there. Human beings are crazy about having more and being better and being different. We want to have more and be better and be different more than we want sex. And we're totally addicted  to sex. We just don't tell the truth about it.

The conversation you are for yourself will shift inside of you just letting it be there and telling the truth about it without trying to change it. The conversation you are for yourself gets very loud (and therefore more permanent) if you're not telling the truth about it.

I really don't know where you're not telling the truth in the conversation you are for yourself. I can't read minds. The truth of the matter is all of us aren't telling the truth about some things about ourselves. All of us are, quite literally, impostors with regard to who we really are.

When you start to tell the truth, unflinchingly, about who you really are, space to grow and room to move opens up. While this affords growth and movement, it won't change you one iota.

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